Monday, November 16, 2009

Martha Stewart

I am super excited about this! A design I did, while working at Spark Stationery in Sioux Falls, has been published in the Martha Stewart magazine! It's just a small photo - but knowing it's mine makes me excited!

photo credit of Spark Stationery

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?!

I can't believe Halloween has come and gone already, it means 2009 is winding down - where has time gone?! For work on Friday I dressed up as Carmen Sandiego...Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?!?!

At this age, it seems most people's form of entertainment involves drinking or a bar scene - which is fun in most cases, but sometimes it's great to have good ole fashion sober fun! On Friday night, we did just that. We went to Valley Scare and had a blast! It was almost cinematic being outside in the cold and rainy weather, late at night and going on rides. The first ride we went on was the scrambler and I don't think we've giggled that hard in a long time. I've forgotten how fun rides can be! It was rainy and cold, but our many layers kept us warm.
I am terrified of rollercoasters, but I bundled up my fears and went on not one, but TWO rollercoasters that night. I screamed and grabbed Dan's arm so incredibly tight that I'm surprised it's still attached to his body - but I overcame my fear of rollercoaster. Well, kind of :)
Along with all the rides, they had about five haunted houses that all had differenet unique themes! The evening was fun, but by the end we couldn't wait to be warm again!
Saturday's events involved dressing up at a mobster and heading to the Subsidies last show as a cover band. It proved to be another fun night!