
Friday, March 25, 2011

I did it!

As mentioned earlier this week - my mission (well, one of many) was to complete a mini bathroom make-over before Friday.  And, I DID IT, I was finished at 11:49 pm tonight (Thurs) to be exact!

It all started with replacing the window treatment - all I wanted to do was to remove the ugly curtain and make a roman shade.  Just that change would at least make the bathroom a tiny bit improved - I wouldn't want our guests this weekend to think I can't pick out a good window treatment ;)

But once the curtain was removed, it became apparent that the towel bar under the window was not centered and I wouldn't be able to look at that daily - it would drive me nuts!  So the towel bar was removed and created 2 holes that needed to be patched.  That lead to wanting to repaint the bathroom.  Afterall, I wouldn't want to have a house warming party with big holes in our walls **sigh**

We went from this:

(Note the reflection of the wallpapered mural on the wall above the bath, and the wall paper border surrounding the tub.  What you can't see is the 5, yes 5, wooden and ceramic towel racks on the walls)

To this:

A close-up of the simple DIY artwork - created in Illustrator, printed and framed in cheap frames that are spray painted a glossy white

The best part about the entire makeover was how cheap it was!  We already had the paint and decorations I put in there.  All I needed to purchase were new towel bars and a couple fluffy white towels. 

There is still plenty I would like to do in there (for instance, get something put up on the huge blank wall), but given the time frame I had to work with, I am happy with this mini make-over for now!

1 comment:

  1. Good makeover! I like the simplicity and am enjoying seeing some of your other "updates" like the upholstered chair.
