
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Eagles are cool..

When you see them flying through the sky - not when you see them as handles on a dresser. 

(once again, I forgot to take a true before picture.  bottom row from LtoR: doors for the bottom, close up of handles, drawer for the top.)

I transformed that old dirty thing in to this...

There isn't a step by step with this one - mostly because I forgot to take pictures every step of the way.  But the gist is that we sanded it down, cleaned it up, redid the doors to have glass in them, did the prime paint and seal routine, added new knobs and brought it upstairs to the dining room.  Now it houses the dishes we got 3 years ago for our wedding that we never had a place to store.  In fact, we didn't take them out of their boxes until earlier this month when we hosted our first large dinner.  

This was the first step to our dining room progress.  As most rooms, the progress in this one will be very slow.  But, my vision looks a little something like this:

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