
About Us

You’d think writing about a subject I know very well would be easy. It’s me, my husband, our dog, our house, our life. It kind of feels like that moment in a group setting where you realize you have to introduce yourself and suddenly you get really nervous – but you’re going to talk about you – why are you nervous?

So skipping over the butterflies – My name is Brittney. It’s pretty common for my age, but I assure you my spelling is the right one. I met Dan in 2006. We adopted our furry puppy daughter Paige in 2007 and married in 2008. Some would argue we put the cart before the horse by starting our family before getting married, but we were smitten with her and knew we were in it for the long-haul.

My love affair with color began early. It now includes black and white. And decorating. And DIY projects. And stationery design. And fitness (I like lots of things – sue me). Dan’s short on handyman skills but long on opportunities to use his power tools – especially his drill (men – ha!). We’re having a blast making our first home, which we purchased January 2011, our own.